Wake-Up Call

Your body? Is it your friend, or your worst enemy?

Are you tired of that joint pain, stomach pain, indigestion, anxiety or frequent headaches laying you out?

Have you put on a few pounds or your skin is not smooth and clear anymore?

Have you been told you are pre-diabetic or your blood pressure is up? Or to take statins or anti-depressants or iron?

Your body is falling apart. Don’t you hate it?

I hope not. I am here to gently suggest that your body is not your enemy. It is not broken. You didn’t get the lemon.

Your body does what it is getting the signals to do. It can compensate for a lot. 

These days we wear stress like a badge. If you aren’t busy and running around like crazy you are certainly the odd woman out.

Once your body can no longer juggle the crap food, stress and toxins you may be providing, it will begin to give you a symptom. Small and quiet at first. Maybe a little indigestion, abdominal pain; irregular, painful or heavy periods; tension in your neck and shoulders, more frequent headaches, some anxious or sad feelings.

What a bother. You ignore it. Maybe it will go away.

Probably not. Over time these little annoyances tend to increase in number, and get louder. 

This is your WAKE-UP CALL! 

Please, listen!

Maybe you don’t know what to do, so you keep doing what you’re doing, or maybe you start exercising harder or even start eating more veggies. 

Maybe you google your symptoms. You find that your symptoms are “normal” as you get older. Everybody has many of the same complaints. So, you live with it. 

No! Please, don’t! Don’t just live with it!

These annoying symptoms are your wake-up call. They will continue to get worse and louder if not addressed. Your body, in its wisdom, is telling you it can’t compensate anymore. It wants you to listen, work with it, adjust just a bit. 

Your body isn’t just seeing what it can do to make your life miserable. It’s calling for help.

With Functional Medicine we can reverse even significant problems like high blood pressure and diabetes. 

But it takes a lot more to do so the further it has progressed.

Your body is your friend. It is you. Make up, and wake up. 

Decide to work with it so you can feel great again!

I speak body language. My greatest joy is helping women interpret what their body is telling them and to make friends with their body so they can LIVE JOYFULLY.

Let me know if you want help befriending your body.


Pre-diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Heart Disease – Do You Really Want to Go There?
