Wake-Up Call
Your body, is it your friend, or your worst enemy? Are you tired of that joint pain, stomach pain, indigestion, anxiety, or frequent headaches laying you out? Have you put on a few pounds or your skin is not smooth and clear anymore?
#1 Rule in Gut Health… It May Not Be What You Think
Having gut trouble? Or mood, or other health issues and you’ve heard your gut might have something to do with it?
It is true. Much of what is going on with your thyroid or your mood or your joint pain or your brain has origin in your gut. It is great that this truth is coming to light.
Stress: The Sneaky Sabotage to Your Health
BEWARE… no matter what diet you follow, how much you exercise or what supplements you take…
There is still one element that can wreck your health and put you at risk for heart disease, diabetes, hypothyroid, autoimmunity and a host of other chronic diseases.