
Vitamin/Minerals Carol Roedocker Vitamin/Minerals Carol Roedocker

Vitamin K2, What You Need to Know

If you are familiar with Vitamin K, you may know about its role in normal blood clotting. You may have learned about Vitamin K when it was suggested for your newborn at birth.

That is Vitamin K1.

K2 is the little known but other very important form of Vitamin K.

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Fertility/Infertility, Pregnancy Carol Roedocker Fertility/Infertility, Pregnancy Carol Roedocker

“The Male Factor”

Many men, and even many women, tend to think of women when they think of fertility… or infertility.

The truth is that about 30% of infertility is due to a “woman problem” such as PCOS or endometriosis. Another 30% is due to “the male factor”, and the final 30% is either unidentified or attributed to both male and female.

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Carol Roedocker Carol Roedocker

Laughter Yoga

You’ve heard that laughter is good medicine.

Just from your own experience you know that you feel good when you laugh. More relaxed, happier, more present.

The act of laughing itself creates endorphins, those feel-good hormones.

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Carol Roedocker Carol Roedocker

MTHFR. What About It?

MTHFR stands for methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase. You can see why it gets abbreviated.

It is an enzyme that plays a very important role in your body.

If you “have MTHFR” what does that mean?

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Carol Roedocker Carol Roedocker


Depression can mean moving through your day, completing tasks, fulfilling responsibilities, but having trouble smiling or finding joy. It may mean using all the energy you have just to get up in the morning and face another day.

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Pregnancy Carol Roedocker Pregnancy Carol Roedocker

8 Steps to Pregnancy!

Want to be pregnant but so far not happening?

Or not ready for pregnancy, but having infrequent or irregular cycles and know it’s not right?

There are some pretty easy steps you can take that will often remedy this.

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Digestion/Gut Carol Roedocker Digestion/Gut Carol Roedocker


Do you keep TUMS or something like that in your house, or even in your purse?

If you are using an antacid often enough to keep them around, that is a red flag for gastro-intestinal imbalance, and overall less efficient health.

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Carol Roedocker Carol Roedocker

Anxiety. Why Won’t It Just Go Away?

Overwhelm, dread, lump in my throat, suffocating, debilitating, afraid, scary, can’t sleep, tense all over, pins and needles in arms and legs, heart racing, heart palpitations, like I’m drowning.

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Carol Roedocker Carol Roedocker

Stress: The Sneaky Sabotage to Your Health

BEWARE… no matter what diet you follow, how much you exercise or what supplements you take…

There is still one element that can wreck your health and put you at risk for heart disease, diabetes, hypothyroid, autoimmunity and a host of other chronic diseases.

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Carol Roedocker Carol Roedocker

Sleep More Deeply

Sleep is absolutely essential for basic maintenance and repair of our neurological, endocrine, immune, musculoskeletal and digestive systems.

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Carol Roedocker Carol Roedocker

6 Reasons to Get up off Your You-Know-What!

Maybe you’ve heard… sitting is the new smoking.

In the U.S. the typical adult is now sedentary for 60% of waking hours and sits an average of 6 hours each day.

So, why is so much sitting so bad?

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Carol Roedocker Carol Roedocker

Bone Broth Made Simple

A South American proverb says, “Good broth will resurrect the dead.” Literally speaking, that might be a bit of a stretch.

But figuratively? Maybe.

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Carol Roedocker Carol Roedocker

Vitamin D – What to Do?

You are probably hearing a lot about Vitamin D right now. It has rightfully come into the spotlight due to Covid-19.

So, should you be taking vitamin D? Let’s talk about that.

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Carol Roedocker Carol Roedocker

Heal Your Gut, Naturally!

Why is there so much buzz these days about healing your gut? Well, you may have seen or heard the following quote…“All disease begins in the gut.”

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