5 Quick Ways to Improve your Mood

Wish you could lift your mood sometimes? Here are 5 quick ways to do just that…

  1. Change your posture. 

    Stand so your arms and legs make an “X”. Reach up and out as far as you can while standing with legs apart, being as expansive as possible. Clasp your hands behind your back and look up and out. Just these simple expansive postures tend to shift mood for the better. 

    Likewise, know that constantly looking down, and being hunched over a desk, computer or phone can actually contribute to a depressed mood in the moment. So, take a mood break frequently during your day if you do this type of work.

  2. Go outside.

    Research is clear that just being outside can lower cortisol levels and improve mood. Even better if you can walk or move, but even sitting outside for a few minutes tends to shift mood.

  3. Listen to music. And dance!

    What music do you like? Create a playlist that picks you up when you feel low.

    Rock and roll, classical, jazz? Just listening to music you like can pick up your mood. 

    Dancing to the music can be even better. Even if you don’t feel like it, just do it! Similar to posture changes, dancing tends to shift mood quickly.

  4. Laugh.

    I wrote recently about Laughter Yoga. Sounds corny, but it has been shown that laughter creates endorphins even when you are faking it. So fake it ‘til you make it, and try Laughter Yoga.

    Watch a funny movie, or animal bloopers on YouTube. Whatever gets you laughing.

  5. Play with your kids or pet.

    If you have kids or a pet around, play with them. They will love it and you will feel better.

    These quick fixes can shift your mood in the moment. They are not going to change your life if you live with mood disorders, but functional medicine can. 

    If you are feeling down or sad much of the time, or lack motivation or self confidence, there could be a physical component contributing that we can impact with functional medicine.

Let me know if you would like to begin feeling better. I am here to help.


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