Do you keep TUMS or something like that in your house, or even in your purse?

If you are using an antacid often enough to keep them around, that is a red flag for gastro-intestinal imbalance, and overall less efficient health.

Reflux, heartburn, indigestion, bloating are there for a reason. They are telling you that digestion isn’t working well. 

And if digestion isn’t working well, your health will suffer.

Antacids are based on the idea that you have too much acidity in your stomach. Usually, the opposite is true. If you suffer with indigestion, you likely have too little hydrochloric acid (HCL) rather than too much.

Occasionally, if the stomach is really in poor health you may get spikes of HCL production, but that is the exception, not the norm. And it can still be problematic to regularly treat it with antacids.

Hydrochloric acid is your friend. You need it to digest your food, especially protein. 

Do you ever get that brick in your stomach feeling after eating? That is undigested protein, a sign there is not enough HCL. The protein sits in the stomach and putrefies. This creates gas and acidity causing that burning reflux. 

An antacid will momentarily quiet the storm in your stomach. But, it alkalinizes the stomach contents. This in not good.

The acidity in your stomach caused by normal HCL discourages pathogens (bad bacteria).  H. pylori, a common problematic bacteria and the culprit in stomach ulcers, is neutralized by normal HCL. 

A lack of appropriate acidity decreases absorption of minerals, particularly calcium. This results in low bone density or muscle cramps.

It can also contribute to low iron and B12. B12 deficiency is associated with dementia, heart disease, and mood disorders such as depression.

So, if you have burning sensations in your stomach, you might try the apple cider vinegar (ACV) challenge to differentiate between insufficient HCL or stomach ulcer.

Next time you have heartburn or reflux take 2 tablespoons ACV. You can dilute it with water if necessary to get it down. If your symptoms go away, you have insufficient HCL and will benefit from taking digestive enzymes with HCL with your meals.

If your symptoms get much worse, you likely have an irritated gastric lining, a pre-ulcer, or an ulcer. In this case de-glycerized licorice (DGL) can help to heal the stomach lining. It is a powerful anti-oxidant. 

So, why would you have low HCL?

  • Age
  • H. pylori
  • Low thyroid function or gut-brain axis disruption
  • Long term food sensitivities

HCL is produced by the parietal cells in your stomach. Once we are into our 40’s and 50’s some loss of function in these cells can naturally occur. This results in lower HCL production.

About 50% of the world’s population carries H. pylori. It may not be a problem unless it is allowed to increase in amount. This happens if sufficient HCL isn’t present to neutralize it. H.pylori in significant amount can then paralyze the stomach, and decrease the amount of HCL made. 

So, low HCL allows H. pylori to prosper and high levels of H. pylori cause lower HCL. This is a cycle you want to break.

Low thyroid function contributes to sluggish digestion and low HCL. Any gut-brain communication problem can do this.

Continuing to eat foods you are sensitive to, knowingly or not, contributes to leaky gut and causes multiple digestive issues throughout the system. 

This includes not absorbing nutrients you need. It also includes elements getting into the bloodstream that should not be there. These can cause illness, pain and long-term disease.

Also, 70% of your immune system is in your gut. A poorly functioning gut means a poorly functioning immune system. Even worse, an out of control immune system may create antibodies to your own body’s tissues as occurs in autoimmune disease.

So, now you know. Covering your indigestion with antacids doesn’t fix the problem. In fact, it causes greater problems and puts you at risk of significant health issues.

With a healthy gut you can prevent disease and stay healthy. You will have good immune function, healthy mood and strong energy levels.

Work with me if you’d like to throw away your TUMS. We can fix your indigestion and improve your health.


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