
Methylation? Is it something I should know about?

Methylation is the act of a methyl group (a single carbon atom and three hydrogen atoms) attaching to another molecule.

Why do you care?

Because methylation is a big deal, and if your body doesn’t do it well, you can’t be healthy.

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Carol Roedocker Carol Roedocker

MTHFR. What About It?

MTHFR stands for methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase. You can see why it gets abbreviated.

It is an enzyme that plays a very important role in your body.

If you “have MTHFR” what does that mean?

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Carol Roedocker Carol Roedocker


Depression can mean moving through your day, completing tasks, fulfilling responsibilities, but having trouble smiling or finding joy. It may mean using all the energy you have just to get up in the morning and face another day.

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Carol Roedocker Carol Roedocker

Stress: The Sneaky Sabotage to Your Health

BEWARE… no matter what diet you follow, how much you exercise or what supplements you take…

There is still one element that can wreck your health and put you at risk for heart disease, diabetes, hypothyroid, autoimmunity and a host of other chronic diseases.

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Carol Roedocker Carol Roedocker

Vitamin D – What to Do?

You are probably hearing a lot about Vitamin D right now. It has rightfully come into the spotlight due to Covid-19.

So, should you be taking vitamin D? Let’s talk about that.

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Carol Roedocker Carol Roedocker

Heal Your Gut, Naturally!

Why is there so much buzz these days about healing your gut? Well, you may have seen or heard the following quote…“All disease begins in the gut.”

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