
Pre-diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Heart Disease – Do You Really Want to Go There?

Do pre-diabetes, diabetes, high blood pressure, and subsequent cardiovascular disease just happen by chance? Because you are unlucky, or because it runs in your family?

Thankfully, we now know that you have a choice in the matter. Here is what you need to know.

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Fertility/Infertility, Pregnancy Carol Roedocker Fertility/Infertility, Pregnancy Carol Roedocker

“The Male Factor”

Many men, and even many women, tend to think of women when they think of fertility… or infertility.

The truth is that about 30% of infertility is due to a “woman problem” such as PCOS or endometriosis. Another 30% is due to “the male factor”, and the final 30% is either unidentified or attributed to both male and female.

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Carol Roedocker Carol Roedocker

Laughter Yoga

You’ve heard that laughter is good medicine.

Just from your own experience you know that you feel good when you laugh. More relaxed, happier, more present.

The act of laughing itself creates endorphins, those feel-good hormones.

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Carol Roedocker Carol Roedocker

6 Reasons to Get up off Your You-Know-What!

Maybe you’ve heard… sitting is the new smoking.

In the U.S. the typical adult is now sedentary for 60% of waking hours and sits an average of 6 hours each day.

So, why is so much sitting so bad?

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