How to Eat to Optimize Nutrient Absorption

Eating well? Great! But are you absorbing the nutrients you are eating?

If not, you may be malnourished in spite of a healthy diet.

I see lots of women who just aren’t feeling their best. Some simple blood work can give us lots of clues as to what is going on. 

Often their labs indicate that the nutrients they are taking in are not being absorbed. And quite commonly insufficient stomach acid or low hydrochloric acid (HCL) is suggested.

Taking digestive enzymes with HCL can help, but in functional medicine, we always first want to support the body to do what it is made to do. And it is made to secrete HCL along with all the other juices and enzymes that help us digest and absorb our food. 

Some of you may be a step ahead of me. It is true that one needs a healthy gut, including the small intestine, large intestine, and gut lining in order to absorb nutrients from our food.

You are right!

But if our food is not broken down into particles our intestines can deal with then nutrients won’t be absorbed even if the rest of the GI tract is healthy.

Good eating hygiene is actually pretty simple, and critically important to digestion. It will optimize your own HCL and other digestive juices.

Think about it. If you are continually in “fight or flight” your body is marshaling its energy to survive, to fight, or to run and hide. It is purposefully NOT thinking about digestion so not wasting blood flow or attention in your gut. 

In order to digest your food, you must shift into “rest and digest” mode. 

Only once your body believes it is safe will it put energy and attention toward digesting and absorbing nutrients, and secrete the elements to accomplish that.

How does one go from “fight or flight” to “rest and digest”? It is easy but does require intention.

Good eating hygiene to shift into 'rest and digest’

  1. Sit to eat, take a big breath. Feel your feet on the floor.
  2. Be grateful for food to eat.
  3. Look at your food, think about eating. Smell your food.
  4. Chew your food well, until it is liquid, then swallow.
  5. Eat. Only eat.
    • Eating while driving, arguing, working or watching the news is not conducive to digestion.
    • Pleasant conversation, laughter, visiting with friends or family is best while eating.
    • Rest and digest’ is the same state as ‘calm and connect’.
  6. Continue to breathe deeply throughout, being appreciative of food to eat.

These actions will optimize your own HCL, digestive enzymes and nutrient absorption.

Some may still need a digestive enzyme w HCL to help break down food for optimal digestion, but it is always best to maximize your own function before adding a supplement.

Let me know what I can do to help you feel your best.


The Stress Steal


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